Imago Dei
Classical Academy
New Orleans
Proverbs 9:10
Proverbs 25:11
Proverbs 20:11

2021-2022 Enrollment Application

    Family Information

    Church Information

    Student Information

    Educational History

    Educational Philosophy

    I agree with and support the statement of faith.I agree with and support the school philosophy.I agree to have my child taught in the home according to Imago Dei's vision and mission.

    Financial Commitment

    Please Note: Contractual obligations begin once the Director of Admissions sends the student's acceptance letter. Financial commitments are binding for the entire school year. This holds for students who withdraw anytime during the school year, whether the second week or mid-year. First semester tuition payment will be due July 31st.

    Contracting Signature

    By writing my full name in the box below and submitting this form, I certify this application is correct. I understand my financial and parental commitment and the dates for tuition payment. I agree to faithfully meet my obligations to Imago Dei.